I warn in advance: this text will be full of adoration, because I am a longtime fan of the franchise. And for me, Tropico is not just another urban planning game, which have accumulated in the industry’s history oh how a lot. This is precisely that the simulator of the dictator of the Banana Republic, with a bunch of nuances and variables, thanks to which the Tropico series differs qualitatively from most colleagues in genre.
I want to talk about these differences about these differences.
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Honest simulation
There are not many residents in the island state of Tropico: the score usually goes to hundreds, in particularly developed cases – for thousands of citizens. And even in such situations, the game honestly warns that it is better not to put more than two thousand “ceiling https://bovegas-casino.co.uk/ ceiling” in the settings: to calculate them all, you need a powerful computer. And all because each resident of the island has a real routine of life that he tries to follow. All your wards have a house and work; They buy food in some places, have fun in others-and among all these key points they still need to move somehow. Most often in such projects this happens by ordinary teleportation – or is not even taken into account at all.
But it was in Tropico that each resident has always had a very specific model who walks (or drives) on the map and spends time for this. Accordingly, if the tropicuric lives far from work, bar and market with food, he has less time for useful activity – which means that the effectiveness of the citizen is very falling. This has to be taken into account when planning cities, placing buildings in such a way that it is as much as possible to reduce routes.
In Tropico, you can literally read the thoughts of any of the inhabitants of the island. This, by the way, helps a lot to navigate the needs of citizens
They tried to realize something similar, for example, in the last Simcity 2013. But due to the large number of residents, the developers had to greatly simplify the system. Moreover, when it was revealed how exactly they did it, it became difficult for the community to restrain laughter.
The fact is that in Simcity residents have no binding to specific houses, entertainment institutions and places of work. So when a conditional evening comes for Sima, he goes out of work on the street and is looking for the nearest free house, where he settles. Когда наступает условное утро — точно так же находит ближайшее незанятое место работы и устремляется туда. Imagine such a model of behavior in real life? Almost communism ..
You are the main one here
In the hands of the ruler of Tropico, not only tools for the construction of the city are focused, but also the so -called “edicts”, fed with a fair amount of dictatorial humor. For example, you can introduce a dry law, which will terribly delight the religious part of the population, but at the same time will make any bars absolutely useless. Or install wiretap in each apartment – it will hit the feeling of freedom, but will reduce the risk of an unexpected uprising. You can enter or cancel pensions, test nuclear weapons, invite Pope to a Pope, resolve same -sex marriages, defiantly burn books (this reduces the percentage of the educated population) and so on. You can even request humanitarian aid from China, which will lead to exactly a hundred immigrants to arrive – this is if you are sharply not enough workers. But it is better to think in advance whether you can feed and provide housing at once.
In addition, elections are held in Tropicico once every few years – and the game can always end ahead of schedule if the people decide that you are not sweet to him as a ruler. But here you can fue the results, bribe fractional leaders or even order a murder of a competing candidate (which, however, is quite useless, since a new one will come to his place, but the reputation will decrease).
At the beginning of the game, you set up an avatar, which in the later parts of the series is also present on the map with a separate figure. Its pros and cons are affected by the whole game: for example, choose a womanizer – get a penalty for respect from women. But the alcoholic will receive the extra five percent of relations with the USSR
In the same way, you can lose during the uprising: if your personal army is not enough to repel the attack of the partisans, they will simply kill you. In addition, somewhere behind the ocean there are other states with which you also need to somehow be friends, otherwise you can jump to a full-scale invasion. You can try to protect yourself in advance, giving the go-ahead to place someone's military base. But this will almost certainly mean a sharp discord in relations with the opponent state, not to mention the party of nationalists who believe that tropico should be self-sufficient. But if you are gleaning and friends immediately with all neighbors, you can count on monetary subsidies and gifts.
You have a goal
Unlike many other similar games, in Tropico the dictator one way or another has a clear period of government, after which the player is set by the final assessment. Much depends on what goals you set for yourself at the start, but usually the size of the state, the mood of the people, the amount of money in the treasury are taken into account, and, most importantly, the size of your secret account in the Swiss bank. It can and should be replenished through special buildings such as the El President, which transfers all income directly to your pocket, or through banks laundering part of the money from the treasury there. There is an option to accept an Edict completely that costs all construction by 20%, but 10% of the deductions to it will always be personally. All these factors affect the final account, which is entered in the record table. And over and over again passing the game, you can compete with yourself and with other players on the network for obtaining the highest rating.
In this case, the game allows you to flexibly configure the complexity. You can choose yourself an island without disasters, with an abundance of natural resources, high prices for export goods and a huge stream of tourists. But then you will receive a fifty percent coefficient, on which your account will multiply and multiply. Or you can, on the contrary, drive the complexity of interest up to two hundred – then by the end of the passage you are unlikely to be able to score a lot of points (if you live to survive at all), but in the final they will double. Similar freedom of settings of parameters was found, for example, in "Space Rangers" ; Like there, in the Tropico series, it provides high reiglable.
However, in addition to the sandbox, there are a “banana simulator” and the campaign mode, where it is necessary to perform very specific tasks (and face additional restrictions). But the rating is calculated there, so that the campaign also makes sense to replay to achieve the best results. Well, those who like to play simulators for the sake of the process, not the result, can continue the game to infinity. You will no longer receive an assessment for such a game, but no one will limit you in creativity: score buildings at least the entire island to the last square meter.
But it all began: a tiny island where even roads cannot be built, not to mention cars. To build an economy in conditions of barely crawling citizens is still a challenge
A variety of setting
There are six games in the Tropico series, which, although they are similar, are still conditionally divided into three groups, markedly differing in the rules. When we talk about the “classic” Tropico, we usually mean the first, third or fourth part, where events begin during the “cold” war between the USSR and the USA. These games are saturated with near -Soviet romance. In them we are building Khrushchevs, which are gradually replaced by normal residential buildings, we can very flexibly control the building and have free education, food, religion and study without the ability to monetize them. But also to deprive the tropikans of all of the above – also not a way out. Dick, and the remaining will raise you to the pitchfork.
The second part is completely dedicated to the pirate topics, where your main income is not tourism and export, but raids for other powers with the subsequent distribution of the loot. And finally, in Tropico 5 The developers approached the series Anno , turning the game from dictatorial sim into colonial. There we start at the very beginning of the twentieth century, and from the mother’s state on the continent it will still have to gain independence. In the fifth part, we go all the way through world wars before the present, accept our constitution, build a dynasty from the heirs of the throne – in a word, we are already engaged in slightly different problems.
Fifth Tropico. The interface is still old, but the game principles have already evolved
The card in Tropico 5 was divided into large squares, and if earlier the building had a size, for example, twenty by thirty (which allowed it to move it at its discretion), then starting from this issue it has a size of two by three and is placed strictly along the grid. The freedom of creativity is slightly less, but the development has become more uniform, and planning it is noticeably easier.
The military component is much more important: a variety of troops appeared, raids of pirates were added to the threats, clashes with partisans became more frequent, which immediately added to the urban planning role also the responsibility of the commander in chief. Elements of manual management also appeared in the economy: you are no longer just producing goods and waiting until the freight takes them for money, but you also lay trading routes yourself, trying to find the buyer more extensively.
In the fifth release of the series, the rules have changed quite much: in fact, the developers released a completely new game of the adjacent genre. And the sixth part of Tropico became the direct heiress of the fifth, adding and expanding the mechanics of his predecessor. Just as the third is an improved version of the first, and the fourth – the third. Moreover, there are enough fans for the classic parts of the franchise and the new issues: they are all very different, but together they are one large recognizable series that continues to develop.
And this is what the recent six looks like. It is largely similar to the fifth, but at the same time much larger in terms of the number of possibilities
About what is new offers Tropico 6 , You will learn from our review. Well, I will continue to insist that in any case there is all parts of the series in any case-all the more so since the very first one has not so long ago HD-REC. Dare, and let the tropical sun never stop illuminating your personal island!
And what part of Tropico do you like most? Share in the comments!
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